Monday, November 14, 2011

LaPaz at Last!

As our intrepid Baja-bound First Mate, witty blogger, life-time friend and great humorist Steve Yoder, commented on my previous post, I failed to realize that I left many of you hanging by a thread and wondering what happened to "Chamisa"!

I am delighted to tell you the guys reached LaPaz on Saturday morning at 10 AM (MT) without any problems - a solid two hours ahead of their ETA. Keith took a slip next to Yoders (please treat yourself by reading

After the usual repairs/reprovisioning/spares task, he will anchor out to save money as that is free. I attribute my delay in posting this happy and long-awaited arrival news (four years past the original planned date!) to my new relaxed "state of mind" here in Florida. Mom and my Auntie Maxine indulge me with Happy Hours and Hillbilly Rummy several days a week so what can I say? My hope is to get clearance from the Ortho doc on 11/28 to join Keith.

In the meantime, have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Friday, November 11, 2011

Final Leg to LaPaz

Thankfully the guys left SJdC this morning and are halfway to LaPaz already. Experiencing fair weather and gentle seas so far. Cuurent will be challenging as they sail between the coast and the islands NE of LaPaz. Looks like a safe arrival tomorrow.

Also thankfully PT seems to be helping my shoulder. Let's hope the surgeon agrees at my next appointment at end of this month!

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Tuesday night in San Jose del Cabo

Tonight the guys are tucked away in a slip in this safe harbor to avoid heavy winds forecast for the next few days. They dumped the bad fuel there earlier today,then headed out again only to find progress was impossible. So being the wise and cautious sailors we know them to be, they turned back a second time and are looking forward to a few nights of solid uninterrupted sleep.

More when they head out toward LaPaz again in a few days.

A Small Backtrack Required

I felt a small qualm when creating the last post - now I know why!  Shortly after that, I got an email saying the guys are backtracking from Los Frailes to San Juan del Cabo due to some dirty fuel taken on in Ensenada.

Also, winds as they rounded the Cape evidently damaged something about the mainsail cars/line/track, too - I didn't quite understand that issue from the emails as it appeared some words were missing.  Neither problem is major but not something they wanted to continue progress and worry over.  Best to return to closest port with proper services to resolve the issues.  So, approximately 35 miles backward - a disappointment, but then what passage is ever completed without a challenge or two?

We all hope Lulu's welcome dinner will only be a day later.  The guys are fine - just frustrated with the cloudy, water-holding fuel.  At 3 am their local time (I think they are on MT), they were nearing SJdC.  More when they arrive and can send an email or maybe even call one of us ever-patient wives!

Monday, November 7, 2011

Amost There!

The good news is that the guys are nearly at the end of their passage, expecting to arrive in LaPaz sometime tomorrow. No wind worth discussing until they rounded the tip of the Baja peninsula and luckily no big swells or bad weather either. A few ships in the distance, humpback whales and dolphins for entertainment and finally the reassuring lights of Cabo San Lucas last night as they sailed closer in to land in preparation for the final leg.

Wednesday, November 2, 2011

Underway Again

Keith and Steve send us SPOT msgs routinely which display their current lat/long position on a map, so we know they are making steady progress. We also know they are having a good time because we get emails via the HF radio onboard. Thank goodness for technology!

Steve is a talented and dedicated writer, so if you would enjoy more details, please visit his blog: