Tuesday, November 8, 2011

A Small Backtrack Required

I felt a small qualm when creating the last post - now I know why!  Shortly after that, I got an email saying the guys are backtracking from Los Frailes to San Juan del Cabo due to some dirty fuel taken on in Ensenada.

Also, winds as they rounded the Cape evidently damaged something about the mainsail cars/line/track, too - I didn't quite understand that issue from the emails as it appeared some words were missing.  Neither problem is major but not something they wanted to continue progress and worry over.  Best to return to closest port with proper services to resolve the issues.  So, approximately 35 miles backward - a disappointment, but then what passage is ever completed without a challenge or two?

We all hope Lulu's welcome dinner will only be a day later.  The guys are fine - just frustrated with the cloudy, water-holding fuel.  At 3 am their local time (I think they are on MT), they were nearing SJdC.  More when they arrive and can send an email or maybe even call one of us ever-patient wives!

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